Open Positions

Freelance Web Designer / Developer

Zastrow Consulting is seeking an experienced web designer with strong graphic design skills and deep experience designing for Wordpress.

We are a U.S. Web and Online Marketing Agency currently servicing 120 small and mid-sized businesses. We need a web designer that is reliable, professional, and talented with the ability to produce 1-2 websites per week initially.

The typical small business website for a client ranges between 8 and 15 pages with integrated calls-to-action, forms, galleries, event calendars, and blog. We build our sites on Wordpress and Squarespace.


The candidate we are seeking is equal parts designer and developer. As a designer you will understand UX and create beautiful, clean, customized website designs that are campatible with CMS platforms like Wordpress and Squarespace. As a developer you can take your designs through implementation including custom CSS, Javascript and tool integrations. You will definitely be a Wordpress Guru.

We need consistency, reliability, professionalism, and the desire to be part of an fast-growing agency team.
